Spatial Holdouts and Feature Selection

Findings Both model types (gbm and random forest) are very sensitive when using all variables and no spatial hold-outs; however, when increasing the hold out size (iid becomes more appropriate) we see that random forest takes some time before it stabilizes unlike gbm which is able to control for that effect early on. FFS variable selection at cluster holdout 10 was 9 variables while the new variable selection (unnamed) used only 5 variables at a cluster holdout of 10 while keeping the same accuracy; making the model more parsimonious.

By Josh Erickson

March 11, 2021

gsutil workflow

Working with gsutil Introduction This is a workflow on how to download multiple objects from a bucket on google cloud storage. Basically, so I stop forgetting how to do it. Moving objects Technically, you can create your own folders via some (above my head) method but I’ll just default to using the UI on GCS. From there, you can then start to move files that you’ve uploaded via desktop, R, earth engine, etc.

By Josh Erickson

March 4, 2021